How to future-proof your engineering career in 2023

Are you looking for skills which can make your career recession-proof?

Are you determined to step ahead of the skills of your peers?


There are several steps you can take to future-proof your engineering career. Some points like embracing lifelong learning and building a strong professional network apply to all experience levels. Some points differ for freshers and people with 15+ years of experience in the IT field. Some of them are:


For freshers:

  1. Develop a strong foundation in core engineering concepts
  2. Learn multiple programming languages
  3. Embrace lifelong learning


For Engineers with 15 years of experience:

  1. Stay updated with the latest technologies
  2. Develop a diverse skill set
  3. Continuously learn and upskill
  4. Be open to new opportunities

How to future-proof your engineering career by using the learning resources of the current IT organization?

Below are the ways to future-proof your career by using the learning resources of your current IT organization:

  1. Take advantage of internal training programs: Many IT organizations offer internal training programs that can help you stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. Be sure to take advantage of these opportunities and learn as much as you can.

  2. Seek out mentorship: Many IT organizations have experienced engineers who can provide guidance and mentorship. Seek out these individuals and ask them to mentor you to gain more knowledge and skills.

  3. Participate in cross-functional teams: Participating in cross-functional teams can give you exposure to different technologies and ways of working, and can help you develop a diverse skill set.

  4. Attend internal workshops and seminars: Many IT organizations host internal workshops and seminars that can help you stay up to date with the latest technologies and trends.

  5. Use online learning resources: Many IT organizations provide online learning resources, such as e-learning platforms and online courses, that can help you stay current with the latest technologies and trends.

  6. Look for opportunities and challenging projects: Look for opportunities to take on additional responsibilities and challenging projects. This will help you develop new skills and show your readiness for leadership roles.

Since I work in Publicis Sapient, I can say that you will get the above opportunities and resources here. You can read Publicis Sapient employee feedback yourself here: 

How to future-proof your engineering career in 2023 How to future-proof your engineering career in 2023 Reviewed by Sapient Work Culture on January 31, 2023 Rating: 5

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