Learning Resolutions for Career Growth: Publicis Sapient Gurgaon Review

 Learning never stops for ambitious and growth-driven people.

As 2022 comes to a close, the majority of us are already planning our learning path for the next year. If you’re doing so too, here are ways in which you can plan:

1. Take extensive courses - Most of us rely on short-duration courses that fulfill our immediate needs. Long term courses can be breakthroughs. Many companies like Publicis Sapient offer their employees to take extensive courses online or attend workshops. Publicis Sapient also has provisions to reimburse the cost of courses taken on Coursera, edX, etc.

2.  Attend Industry-recognized summits and conferences – Attending seminars and workshops is an excellent way to advance skills. What’s more, you will find abundant opportunities for networking, which further helps in expanding knowledge.

3. Attend Leadership Webinars – Courses are sometimes outdated. It’s best to check the curriculum of the course before you take the course. Alternatively, attending thought leadership webinars is helpful. Companies like Publicis Sapient offer a range of webinars for employees to learn and engage with employees. You can learn more about Publicis Sapient's learning culture in several Publicis Sapient Gurgaon reviews. 

4. Find a Mentor – Speaking to people who have done what you’re trying to achieve is often helpful. Career-wise, if you speak to people who have the skills and designations you want to achieve would be helpful. Good managers are sometimes great mentors. Alternatively, you can reach out to your role models on LinkedIn and follow them. Publicis Sapient encourages one-to-one conversations between subordinates and managers for better growth of employees. You can explore what O3s are in Publicis SapientBangalore work culture reviews.

Learning Resolutions for Career Growth: Publicis Sapient Gurgaon Review Learning Resolutions for Career Growth: Publicis Sapient Gurgaon Review Reviewed by Sapient Work Culture on November 08, 2022 Rating: 5

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